How To Create $1,000 Monthly Revenue Flow

Do you think it is impossible to earn $1,000 of passive income from your websites? What if we show you the evidence that it is real?
Meet Tom Mayer and his success story of earning online
Already earned: $10,619
6 month with MageNet
9 websites
What is success to you?
For Tom Mayer, it’s setting up a flow of passive income of $1,000 aside from core activity profit.
Here is how he got there:
“I own nine websites in different niches, most of them deal with business services and marketing that are my primary business. One day I realized that the websites themselves were my asset, because for the period of seven years they had grown up to thousands of pages with useful content. So I started looking for and trying to apply different monetizing options. I was surprised and satisfied with my first additional earnings. It was such a relief especially when I was strapped for cash and had some difficulties with my job.
For now I put in use 4 different monetizing sources on my websites, and monetizing by MageNet contextual ads is used on all of them. As 7 out of 9 websites are WordPress based, and I don’t have much free time, I’ve installed the plugin. A couple of months ago I discovered that MageNet also had the Universal Plugin which placed ads automatically to all kinds of websites, so, I had also installed it to the rest of my websites. By the way, I have a basic knowledge in programming, but I have done all the steps easily. Now I don’t have to log in every time I receive a new ad.
And that’s amazing!
Yes, I have spent some time to set up everything, but now I just log in twice a month to withdraw my earnings which, by the way, do not depend on traffic figures. I think it is really cool because pages created quite long time ago have already gained pretty nice page authority.
I’ve found out that PA influences SB Rank, which is a price setting factor in MageNet system, so, prices for most of the pages (even if I discount them for 30% to increase demand) allow to earn more.
For instance, one of my websites has 1874 indexed pages, 512 of them have SB Rank 3 and higher. The automatic price for SB Rank 3 in the system is $3.75, but I decreased it to $2.50. The same I have done to the rest of pages with SB Rank higher than 3. After that, I noticeв that the system installed up to 200 ads a month, that brought me up to $600 for a website then. And that is only one website.
I would like to thank MageNet team for helping to earn and sharing valuable tips on how to maximize income.
Today I have passive income that impresses. I can earn more than $1,000 monthly from my websites almost without lifting a finger.”
Do you still think it’s impossible? Well, try on your own.
Learn the success stories of other publishers
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