Ron Sunbrook
Ron Sunbrook
Multiple sites owner
Already earned: $15,589
8 month with MageNet
16 websites

I was unsure whether I should try MageNet or not, but while I was thinking, I just signed up. When I got the first sales within a week, I totally changed my mind. So far I’ve already earned $12,134.26 for 6 months for selling contextual ads. Good luck!

Rick Brawn
Rick Brawn
Already earned: $22,326
13 month with MageNet
46 websites

Thanks to MageNet, I’m getting $1,158 per month from my site now. The system is very simple and user friendly. I like that I can set my own fees for all pages and control which sites to accept, and which not. But most of all I like a great number of ad sales!

Multiple sites owner
Already earned: $36,285
21 month with MageNet
84 websites

You’ll have about $1,000+ additional income and more per month. To get it, I recommend to set up your own fees. You can activate WordPress Monetization Plugin by MageNet and all your ads will be placed automatically without any efforts!

Albert Subery
Albert Subery
Small business owner
Already earned: $37,762
18 month with MageNet
112 websites

I was very surprised with a simple start and so fast growth of my passive monthly income. Currently I’m getting around $2,300 / month for selling ads, which look absolutely natural for my site visitors.

Lisa Ross
Lisa Ross
Already earned: $21,428
14 month with MageNet
29 websites

You don’t need to look for the advertisers – MageNet find them for you! You don’t need to negotiate with the advertisers – MageNet do that and select the most profitable deals for you!